Mobilizing and Resourcing the Church to Reach the World
Chinese Mission Convention
Praise the Lord!
CMC Global 2024 is finished. We welcomed a combined total of 2,656 participants along with more than 40 exhibitors. More than 150 responded to the program in Baltimore, plus others at the Host Sites.
We continue to be in prayer for these Next Steppers, asking the Lord of the Harvest to prepare them to be sent out to the field.
“Powerful messages”
“Timely, encouraging, biblical”
"让我更清楚的人生目标 福音是我一生的使命"
"My favorite part of CMC was fellowshipping and meeting other like-minded believers."
"The time with church was also very impactful, as it allowed for important conversations..."
Next Step
CMC’s post-conference ministry walks alongside you!
The Next Step ministry is part of CMC’s post-conference ministry. Conference attendees may have felt God’s calling at CMC and you might be wondering how to take the next step. The Next Step ministry is here to walk alongside you and help you to become disciple-makers for the nations throughout the year to the end of the world. We invite you to join the Next Step ministry!
Stay connected following the event
CMC's Impact
2500 participants combined at six sites
Representing over 330 churches
With over 40 mission partners exhibiting
Over 260 adults responded to the program
Nearly 200 youth challenged to Missional Living
10 children sharing their desire to become missionaries
Since 1983:
21 Conventions in the USA
Over 52,000 participants
7349 responded to the call
Speakers in 2024 that received their call at CMC: 3
About CMC
What is the Chinese Mission Convention?
CMC is dedicated to mobilizing the church to reach the world for Christ. Since its beginning in 1983, CMC has been attended by over 50,000 people. Numerous churches, organizations, and individuals have been empowered and mobilized for God’s mission.
The vision and focus of CMC does not end with the close of the convention. AFC is committed to working with a variety of churches, individuals, faculty, and organizations to follow up on the progress and special needs of those who dedicate their lives to full-time ministry.
The Chinese Mission Convention (CMC) is sponsored by Ambassadors for Christ (AFC) in vital partnership with local churches. The Great Commission is an integral part of AFC’s mission.

Since its founding in June 1963, God has entrusted AFC with a unique and strategic ministry. Exciting things are happening at AFC as we focus on this vision of reaching Chinese intellectuals for Christ and mobilizing them as a vital mission force for God's Kingdom through evangelizing, equipping, and disciple-making. We seek to accomplish this mission via four primary areas of ministry: Campus, Discipleship and Training, Literature, and Mission Mobilization.
As part of the Mission Mobilization ministry, CMC is dedicated to mobilizing the church to reach the world for Christ. CMC was started in 1983 by Rev. Moses Chow, co-founder of AFC, who himself was a cross-cultural missionary sent by the Chinese church in China to Indonesia. Since its beginning in 1983, CMC has been attended by over 50,000 people. Numerous churches, organizations, and individuals have been empowered and mobilized for God’s mission.
CMC has been held in the US East Coast, West Coast, and South, as well as UK and Europe. CMC Global 2024 is our 21st convention in North America
Mission Partners
These are some of the mission organizations that participated in CMC in 2024 :