CMC GLOBAL 2024- Next Step
Next Step
What is Next Step 什麼是下ㄧ步事工?
The Next Step Ministry is a part of the follow-up efforts of the Chinese Mission Convention. If you felt God’s calling during the convention to dedicate yourself to serving Him and are wondering what steps to take next, our Next Step Ministry will walk alongside you in the coming year, helping you lead more people to become disciples of the Lord. We sincerely look forward to seeing you in the Next Step Ministry!
下一步事工是華人差傳大會會後事工的一部分。 您若在華人差傳大會中感受到上帝的呼召, 獻身事奉, 並想知道下一步該作什麼,我們的下一步事工將在未來的一年與您並肩同行 ,幫助您帶領更多人作主的门徒。 我們誠摯地期待在下一步事工中見到您!
What do we do? 我們在做什麼?
After receiving the call to missions at CMC, we will provide on-site counselors to assist you in reflecting on and carefully handling the decisions you have made. These counselors will help you take the next steps and understand where you are on your faith journey. In the year following CMC, we will offer:
Resources to help you take the next step, including training, organization, and missionary support.
Opportunities to join small groups and connect with short-term mission teams.
Devotional materials to encourage your spiritual growth.
The "Next Step" Retreat, held April 4–6 at AFC's headquarters in Paradise, Pennsylvania.
An end-of-year celebration marking the milestones of your spiritual growth.
We look forward to journeying with you!
當您在 CMC 領受宣教的呼召後,我們會為您提供現場輔導員,輔助您思考並審慎處理所做的決定。 輔導員會幫助您完成接下來的步驟,並瞭解您在信仰旅程中所處的位置。 在完成 CMC 之後的一年中,我們將提供 :
1. 通過為您提供培訓、組織和宣教士方面的説明,為您邁出下一步提供資源
2. 為您提供參加小組的機會, 及短宣聯結
3. 鼓勵您的靈修材料
4. 四月4-6日在使者賓州樂園鎮總部舉行的“下一步”退修會
5. 年終慶祝活動,標誌著您的屬靈成長里程碑
Click to fill the Commitment Card
CMC Next Step
" Re-affirm your commitment
Start on the right track
開啟您的宣教旅程 "

CMC GLOBAL 2024- Next Step
Next Step Retreat 下一步退修會
Time 時間:
April 4-6, 2025
Location 地點:
21 Ambassador Drive, Paradise, PA17562
AFC headquarters
Great Commission Center
Speakers 講員:
Dr. Yeou-Cherng Bor
Rev. Jack Hwang