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CMC GLOBAL 2024- San Jose


Home of Christ in Cupertino will serve as the host for CMC Global 2024 - San Jose

Home of Christ in Cupertino

10340 Bubb Rd, Cupertino, CA 95014


(713) 935-9422​​

CMC GLOBAL 2024- San Jose


All times in PST

Joint Opening Session, Rev. David Hsu
2:00pm – 3:30pm

Small Group Discussion

3:30pm – 4:15pm

Joint Bible Exposition
4:30pm – 6:00pm

6:00pm – 7:00pm
Children's Program
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Chinese Plenary Session, Dr. James H Taylor IV / 
English Plenary Session, Steve Richardson
7:00pm – 8:30pm
Small Group Discussion
8:30pm – 9:30pm
Chinese Plenary Session
10:00am – 11:00am
Small Group Discussion
11:00am – 11:45am
11:45am – 12:45pm

Children's Program
1:00pm – 6:00pm

Chinese Plenary Session, Dr.
David Doong / 
English Plenary Session, Dr. Alexia Salvatierra
1:00pm – 2:30pm

2:45pm – 4:15pm

Joint Bible Exposition
4:30pm – 6:00pm
CMC GLOBAL 2024- San Jose


We are excited to bring you the same plenary speakers from CMC Global in Baltimore for the Chinese and English programs. Youth are welcome to join the English program.  

*We will have a children’s program Friday 7-9:30pm and Saturday 1-6pm for ages 4-11. For Children under 4 we have cry rooms available for a parent to use with their child(ren). 


In addition to the plenary sessions from Baltimore these workshops will be offered: 

Chinese Workshops


How to Build a Missions-Oriented Church? – Rev. Tong Liu


畢業於台灣大學大氣科學系,在賓州費城讀大氣研究所碩士, 並於馬利蘭州國家氣象局工作, 其間一直委身義工服事位 於賓州的美國使者協會。1983年蒙召全職事奉,進入費城西敏寺神學院就讀宗教碩士。畢業後,在山河市華人宣道會擔任國語部助理牧師十年。


Rev. Tong Liu graduated from the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at National Taiwan University and pursued a master’s degree in atmospheric studies in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He also worked at the National Weather Service in Maryland, while continuously volunteering to serve at the Ambassadors for Christ ministry in Pennsylvania. In 1983, he was called to full-time ministry and entered Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia to pursue a Master of Divinity. After graduation, he served as the Mandarin Assistant Pastor at the San Jose Christian Alliance Church for ten years.

In 1995, he founded River of Life Christian Church in Silicon Valley, dedicating himself to building a glorious church through four tracks: worship and praise, spiritual renewal, cell church, and global transformation. Over the years, the church has seen continuous growth and has established nearly 300 branch churches in 32 countries across six continents. Rev. Tong Liu’s preaching is powerful and moving, combining inspiration with strength. He is also an excellent worship leader. His wife, Mei Lei, is deeply involved in church ministry and founded "Double Portion Media". They have two daughters.

週六(1) 宣教下一代:世界觀的爭戰(羅馬書 12:1-2)
Evangelizing the Next Generation: The Battle of Worldviews (Romans 12:1-2),

北美華人教會下一代的流失已經是不爭的事實。 為要贏得下一代, 基督徒必須認識今天的爭戰乃是兩種不同世界觀的爭戰。 我們必須成為一個「世界觀宣教士」,對充斥著後基督教、 後現代文化的社會宣講福音。

週六(2):宣教下一代:培育神國精兵 (提後 2:2)
Evangelizing the Next Generation: Training God's Kingdom Soldiers (2 Timothy 2:2)


郑立新牧师 : Pastor Lenny Cheng


鄭立新牧師 Pastor Lenny Cheng。吹號者事工 創辦人/總幹事:鄭立新牧師成長於台灣, 為第二代基督徒。赴美取得電腦碩士後,於紐約金融界擔任電腦工程師多年。美南浸信會神學院道學碩士。曾帶職和全職牧養北美華人教會英文堂近20年。2021年七月開創「吹號者事工 Trumpeter Ministries」推廣:「搶救下一代」、「每日靈修」、「聖經世界觀」和「在家教育」等事工。鄭牧師與師母育有四個成年女兒並皆在家教育(homeschooling, k-12)。

Born and raised as a Christian in Taiwan, Pastor Lenny Cheng came to America and worked for many years as a computer engineer in the financial industry in New York City. He later earned his M. Div. degree from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Pastor Lenny Cheng served part-time and full-time in English Ministry for almost 20 years. In July 2021 he started Trumpeter Ministries to teach the biblical worldview and to promote homeschooling. Pastor Lenny and wife Linda have four grown daughters whom they homeschooled from K-12.

散聚華人與散聚宣教Chinese Diaspora and Diaspora Missions

近年來因著世界人口大量的遷移, 一些宣教工場上尚未信主的人, 已散聚在我們的周遭。同為散聚在海外的華人基督徒, 神對我們在本地的散聚宣教有何使命。In recent years, due to the large-scale migration of the world’s population, some unreached people from mission fields have gathered around us. As overseas Chinese Christians who are also scattered abroad, what is God’s mission for us in local missions?

王以愛博士 Dr. Juno Wang:


王以愛博士在已故的 王永信博士所領導的大使命中心服務了將近 18 年後,前往神學院接受裝備。她在金門浸信會神學院(跨文化事工碩士)和西方神學院(跨文化研究博士)裝備了她的跨文化知識和技能。自 2009 年以來,以愛 一直參與加州矽谷中心的多族裔社區外展。目前,她是 Community Vision International 的一名合約同工。 以愛願意親自或在線上與教會或小組分享她的外展經驗,也可以提供本地門前宣教的諮詢。

Dr. Juno Wang served at the Great Commission Center International under the leadership of the late Rev. Dr. Thomas Wang for 18 years before she pursued her seminary training. She has equipped herself with intercultural skills at the Golden Gate Baptist Seminary (Master of Arts in Intercultural Ministries) and Western Seminary (Doctor of Intercultural Studies). Juno has been involved in the multi-ethnic community outreach in the heart of Silicon Valley in California since 2009. Currently, she is a Ministry Associate of Community Vision International. She is available to share her outreach experience in person or online with churches or small groups, and for consultation.


UUPG-Searching for Forgotten Peoples
UUPG-The Missionary Movement for All Nations to Return to the Lord

江冠明牧师: Rev. Guanming Jiang


A member of the indigenous Bunun people, he has served as a campus missionary in the United States, as well as a senior pastor and consultant pastor in Chinese churches. In 2005, he founded the "Minority Mission Center" and has been serving as its president ever since. He is currently dedicated to church planting and mission strategies for the unreached peoples in areas like the 10/40 Window through M2M. He is also the founder and executive vice president of a cross-cultural missionary seminary. He has authored books such as The Voice of the Minorities, Running to the Unreached People, and Letters From Mountains Flooded with Showers of Grace.

English Workshops

Pastor Aaron Chung from FMLCCC 

First Morning Light Chinese Christian Church


Topics:Reaching a Gentile World with the Gospel

Discipleship: The Great Goal of Missions

CMC GLOBAL 2024- San Jose

San Jose



Kids 4 yr old-5th grade



 Before 11/26

11/26 and after



Adults & Youth

(12 and over)


Kids under 4



The registration cost covers two dinners (Fri & Sat) and other hospitality provided at the host site.  In order to bless the church, there is no program cost for CMC at the Host Sites. 


Spaces in the Children’s programs and in the Cry Rooms are limited; please register early. 

CMC GLOBAL 2024- San Jose

Cancellation &
Refund Policy

Cancellation & Refund: If you must cancel your registration, your registration fee(s) less $5 per
person will be refunded.
Cancellation requests must be received in writing before November 26, 2024. Substitutions may be made with prior arrangement. If you need to cancel your registration, or arrange a substitution please contact us.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


We don’t want finances to limit the involvement of anyone at CMC. The registration fee is much less than our expenses. We are trusting the Lord to provide through His people to cover all the costs of CMC. 

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